Friday, August 26, 2005

Lance Armstrong l'Equipe Doping Allegations

"Pardon monsieur, but zehr seem to be a petite problem wis your pee pee."

This latest allegation from the French media is the biggest crock of crap I have ever seen. Come on! A seven year old sample that may or may not have been stored correctly and may or may not have been tested correctly is dug up and tested and reported as fact by a French sports newspaper? Here in the U.S. we have similar in depth analysis by some of our newspapers. The Star, Globe, and National Enquirer all have similar proof of alien sightings, wolf-boys, and the like.

It is unfortunate, but it seems to be human nature that we root for the underdog and try and tear down the people on top of their game. If you look at any sport there is always someone who has a combination of factors that leads them to dominate their sport for a period of time. It is easy to assume that the reason is because they somehow cheated or didn't play by the same set of rules as everyone else. The real reason is somehow hard to believe because it involves sacrifices most people are unwilling to make.

As a cyclist, I have read as much or more than most on Lance and his training and here is why I believe he is the most dominant Tour de France cyclist ever.

He is gifted genetically - Everyone is born with a certain genetic capacity. Even if two people follow the same training regimen, one will end up somewhat better than another. Lance was born with a great capacity that he has maximized through training.

He is a hyper-disciplined trainer - Look at some of the dietary and training programs that Lance sticks to year-round and not just in some months of the year. It is a strict regimen that most people, even elite athletes would have a hard time sticking to. It requires both physical and mental toughness to be that disciplined.

A new approach to training - Lance has taken a different approach to training and peaking than most cyclists do. He is a fanatical collector and analyzer of training data, dietary data, and new technology.

Excellent strategy and teamwork - Lance is always the first to credit his team and staff and particularly Johan Bruyneel. The combination has been very effective. They do not have the team wondering who the leader is, they have a clear focus and direction for the year, and they do not try and peak everyone for every race throughout the calendar. The Tour is the primary focus of Lance and the whole team.

I think it is hard for some folks to believe that these are the real reasons behind his success because at some level it really means that they (or the racers they like) have not trained as hard, have not sacrificed as much, and have not been as smart as Lance has been.

- Tom Skowronski aka Daddy Bike


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lance is on steroids.


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